Closed jds11111 closed 4 years ago
what are the permission on the actual db folder?
I have only one user on that machine, which is the owner of all the directories for all the libraries and configurations.
can you do an ls -lah
on the db folder?
~/configs/organizr/config/www/db$ ls -lah
total 8.0K
drwxrw---- 2 jds11111 jds11111 4.0K Jan 23 2020 .
drwxrwxr-x 4 jds11111jds11111 4.0K Oct 29 10:39 ..
That's odd there isn't even a Database in there.
Couple of things:
What user is the container running as?
You can temporarily set that directory up as 777 to test then change it back...
Did you complete the setup wizard?
Try deleting the api/config/config.php file and going through the setup again. But this time hit the test path button on db folder.
Yeah, odd. There is organizr.db in ~/configs/organizr/config/www/organizr. I make jds11111 an agent of docker:
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
I completed the wizard a couple of years ago, but haven't seen it with this install.
I did a chmod -R 777 on the organizr/config directory, but nothing changed.
I don't know what the "test path button" is, but deleting that file (which seems to be in a strange place) did give me the wizard.
I want to be a little cautious here not to destroy my carefully constructed setup of Organizr. I have backups of the configs, but... So, I am hesitant to go through the wizard.
I'm confused, you stated this is a fresh install but also state it's been setup already...
Did you move the install from one machine to another?
Either way - goto /api/config/config.php and open that file with text editor...
look for dbLocation =>
and see that folder is listed there, i suspect its your home folder then /configs/organizr/config/www/organizr
if so, please do ls -lah
for that folder that is listed there
I had an install for some time. Then problems started with the migration to v2.1. It sent me to a site that gave a docker-compose.yml sample, highlighting the changes. Since I had the config files saved and backed up, I used to generate a docker-compose.yml for my original setup, deleted the old container, edited the docker-compose.yml with the new version, and tried to compose the new container. That is when I ran into issues with the setup. It is a new container, but trying to use the old config.
There is no config.php file there---perhaps because I did not go through the wizard? There is a default.php, but no dbLocation in it. If I look at the old config.php (that I renamed config.php.backup3), it has the line: 'dbLocation' => '/config/www/Dashboard/', but inside the directory ~/configs/organizr/config/www, there is no Dashboard. I can find no such directory.
There should be a config.php somewhere as that is the only way to get the error you are getting. Either way, it seems you may have been using a different image and just now switched to organizr/organizr. Can you paste your container setup - if you arent using docker-compose, what are you using? Portainer?
I set it up by cli:
docker create --name=organizr \ --name=organizr \ --restart always \ -v /home/jds11111/configs/organizr/config:/config \ -e PGID=1000 -e PUID=1000 \ -p 80:80 \ organizrtools/organizr-v2
(I probably tweaked a little later, but this is very close)
delete that one and create it with organizr/organizr
I already deleted that one---that is the one that was working for a couple of years. The current one with the problems was created by docker-compose:
services: organizr: container_name: organizr entrypoint:
i'll be free a little later on today and will be able to help faster on discord.
discord never lets me log in :(
In fact, I remember now why I hate it. It says "something strange is happening here. Enter your email to verify". I enter my email and password and it complains that the email is already registered. Well, no shit. That was the whole point. Then it gives me no other options.
@causefx , thanks for your help. I gave up on recovering the other setup. I took a risk, and went through the wizard (that I only got because of you), then copied over my old *.db file to the new one. That gave me all the old tabs back, which were most of the work. I had to re-do the homepage, but that was not so bad. Then I made a backup for safe keeping. Everything looks great. Thanks again.
Sweet!!! You can also make a zip backup inside organizr too now.
Yeah, I saw that and utilized it immediately after reconstructing my setup. Very useful. I also have all the config files copied over daily to my RAID for safekeeping.
After my docker-compose install on linux, I get an error when I go to the web server:
Organizr DB is not writable!!! Please fix...
I try: sudo chown -R www-data:www-data
Or, to my login name for the www directory in my configs, but it does not fix it.