OrianaVenture / VentureValheim

Mods for Valheim
MIT License
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Venture World Scaling - feature to disable ItemScaling #19

Open xzahalko opened 1 year ago

xzahalko commented 1 year ago

Hi, Venture World Scaling somehow overrides WackyDatabase. We would like to use scaling feature. Is it possible to add feature to disable ItemScaling ? Thanks a lot

Example: AbbysalRazor - Vanila pierce/slash 20/20, Venture World Scaling - 7/7 Exported Item_KnifeChitin.json by WackyDatabse - got json with 7/7 values. I changed it to 15/15 and put to server.

Staying logged - I see at crafting station AbbysalRazor 15/15 value. After logout and login AbbysalRazor went back to 7/7, even json with 15/15 value still on server.

xzahalko commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your help

xzahalko commented 1 year ago

It look like AutoScaleItem option not work.

I've tried to set it to false, but item are still scaled.

Thanks a lot.

OrianaVenture commented 11 months ago

@xzahalko I need more information to help you with your issue. Can you share your configuration files and your bepinex\logoutput.log file? There is a feature to disable item scaling and just use creature scaling if that is your intended usage of the mod. For faster support you can message me directly on discord since I do not check my github issues as regularly when I am busy with other projects.

OrianaVenture commented 11 months ago

I have done some more investigation into your issue.

  1. Item Scaling can be disabled I have tested the config setting AutoScaleItems and it appears to work as intended (set to false). Make sure you are changing the BepInEx\config\com.orianaventure.mod.WorldScaling.cfg file on your server since this is the value that will get used. If you turn on debugging logs (explained in the readme under Customization Help) it will show which items and creatures this mod is changing and you can confirm if item scaling is turned off. I can add more info logs to the mod in a future update to make this easier.

  2. Mod execution order It appears my mod might be applying scaling after Wacky's Database from your comments. If it is intended that Wacky's Database should have the final control over values I can look into setting up a mod load order if possible to change this. However, there is custom scaling options included in this mod to get around this.

  3. Exporting with Wacky's Wacky's Database exports the loaded in-game values of the items and creatures. When using the scaling mod you will be exporting scaled values. You can remove the mod while setting up Wacky's Database if you do not like this behavior and want to see vanilla values.

xzahalko commented 11 months ago

Thank for the reply. Ad 1) I have been modifiing the BepInEx\config\com.orianaventure.mod.WorldScaling.cfg, I'll check it once more. Thanks.

Ad 2) If it is possible to change the load order of the mod, to be before WackyDb, as you mentioned, it will be great :) I'll look for the custom scaling options, I have not ried it yet, It might help.

Ad 3) We tried to export the item and it was correctly exported with scaled values, changed values, but after logout and login values changed was back at starting values, but ad 2 could help.

Thanks a lot