Origami-Cloudless-AI / TinyMLaaS-2023-winter

Run Hello World of TensorFlow Lite for micro automatically in Docker
Apache License 2.0
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Research on relevant UI / Services (Edge Impulse, Arduino, mbed, IFTTT and Sony MESH etc.) #14

Open doyu opened 1 year ago

doyu commented 1 year ago

This is about our application design, TinyMLaaS. There are many existing embedded IDE and even TinyML platform. We should learn from them to design what we aim at.

The outcome report of this should be in the form of Markdown, stored under this repo, and published on GH page. You many need to consider how to compare them for better TinyMLaaS platform.

matiasto commented 1 year ago

@tastingmusic Can you comment on this.

tastingmusic commented 1 year ago

How do I find the research result?

2laJ2 commented 1 year ago

@tastingmusic According to this limited search, the Arduino board, perhaps with Wiring, could be a good choice, since they support Linux, Mac and Windows. Arduino has a large community of users and a good product range. The choice of cloud service depends on the project needs.