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Time tracking sheet, linked in README.md #34

Open doyu opened 1 year ago

doyu commented 1 year ago

could somebody (if not already done) create and make the task for working hours following? Some examples could be: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SvQakVd-oYI36uMq7UUxmJvU3OHCj44LfIajHgd81fw/edit#gid=0 https://helsinkifi-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/xnoxno_ad_helsinki_fi/ETDD0FY5rd1An2Se0MyZSY4BvD3RpfLrcq2aFHH6xXRbMQ?e=HGQdGf

This should be linked in REAME.md

doyu commented 1 year ago

@everyone Some qestions:

I'm considering that, is't it better if time spent is tied with BI#? So that, we could estimate (target at?) how far we could go with the remaining time with BIs? IOW, Can't time reporting be tied with GH issue ID?

Also do we need a daily time reporting info? Can this be reported simply per Sprint? e.g. In Sprint1, 6H for issue#17 & 3H for issue#30

The point is that we may want to KPI to evaluate where we are and to estimate how far we could go? What do you think?

FexbYk23 commented 1 year ago

@everyone Some qestions:

I'm considering that, is't it better if time spent is tied with BI#? So that, we could estimate (target at?) how far we could go with the remaining time with BIs? IOW, Can't time reporting be tied with GH issue ID?

Also do we need a daily time reporting info? Can this be reported simply per Sprint? e.g. In Sprint1, 6H for issue#17 & 3H for issue#30

The point is that we may want to KPI to evaluate where we are and to estimate how far we could go? What do you think?

The course material states that time must be tracked on a weekly (preferably daily) basis for each student. Time spent in meetings and studying also counts, so time doesn't perfectly map to BIs.

doyu commented 1 year ago

@FexbYk23 Thank you for the info. I may consider that meeting should have its own category since we could evaluate how much we spend on meeting too. Does studying mean the investigation of assigned BI or completely other thing?

Anyway, what we want here is some kind of KPI for the project. With such KPI, we'd like to know where we are right now and how far we could go by the end of the project. As long as time spent is recorded, we could analyze and invent some KPI from that time record. For my practice, I made small time keeping webapp with nbdev, jupyter & streamlit,

https://doyu-uoh-software-project-time-report-app-go35t5.streamlit.app/ https://github.com/doyu/uoh-software-project-time-report/

Does this collect enough innformation for the future KPI or do we need more? image

doyu commented 1 year ago

@anadis504 said that this is needed for another purpose than KPI. So I'm moving this in Done now

doyu commented 1 year ago

One request @Matsku Please collect time record per backlog item (meetings categorized "0") for the last 3 weeks, ASAP. Otherwise, those valuable data will be lost. With them, I could calculate the following insights:

  1. Standard deviation of our estimation accuracy
  2. How much % of time spent
  3. How much % of time remains
  4. Predict how much backlog items can be planned per sprint (or milestones) by the end of this project
  5. "4" is related to BI# 15

Imagine, we are proceeding (i.e. development) with a small ship on the big ocean with limited amount of gasoline (i.e. our time). We need to set the right reachable destination (i.e the final product), based on the past experience (i.e. recorded time / item) & its estimation accuracy. Otherwise, our gasoline is gone in the middle of the ocean and we could be lost 😉 The goal here means a collection of correctlyprioritized BIs.

The time recording data needed to withdraw such insights could be something like below:


matiasto commented 1 year ago

The time reporting app would be the best choice; unfortunately, it didn't work for me (an error occurred). So how should I enforce the data gathering? The best scenario is if you get the app back up, and I could encourage everyone to mark their hours. The backup option is to record them in Excel for now.

matiasto commented 1 year ago

We agree that Excel isn't the final answer for this project; down the line, it'll become cluttered and cumbersome. Additionally, it's missing some key features that the time reporting app can offer.

doyu commented 1 year ago

@matiasto Re-enabled the app to run. Its URL has changed :( You could ask them to put their time in through this app. The new URL is:



matiasto commented 1 year ago

The app is running but stuck in the booting state.

matiasto commented 1 year ago

Screenshot 2023-02-05 at 20 38 48

doyu commented 1 year ago

My Time recording App is working on both:

  1. https://tinymlaas-devel.streamlit.app/
  2. https://huggingface.co/spaces/doyu/tinymlaas-devel