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Copying Tables not working #58

Open professorCKone opened 2 years ago

professorCKone commented 2 years ago

Copying tables from one document to another doesn't work.

original table image


ProdukteBezeichnungm(mg)Ausbeute(%)BemerkungNMR M/gmol-1202.68C13H11CL101theo.Ausbeute A100Rohprodukt, braunes Öl02/04/22 B28079Chrom., gelbes Öl03/04/22

professorCKone commented 2 years ago

Browser: Chrome Version 101.0.4951.54 (Official Build) (64-bit) OS: Ubuntu 20.04

viandrea commented 2 years ago

@professorCKone Unfortunately this is a limitation of the Text Editor :( Cant be fixed.