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Cli tests #104

Closed pderouen closed 4 years ago

pderouen commented 4 years ago

Framework for performing CLI tests. You can run the rust CLI tests 1 of 2 ways:

When run from main workspace, you have to include --workspace

This wasn't working in the Travis CI.

>> cd rust/origen
>> cargo test --workspace

You can also test individually like this:

>> cd rust/origen/cli
>> cargo test

I tried running the origen g test with both Rust and Python without the fixes from the launcher branch. It passes even though the same command fails when I run it from a command line. I think this shows the problem was with how the Windows command shell was processing the command line and args into a process call. So, likely to make a test that reproduces the failure, we'd have to launch a console and send the command string to it. I don't know that it's worth going through that trouble. Instead maybe we can just follow the known best practices (will need to add those to comments or documentation).