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Anyone parse UPF files before? #289

Open info-rchitect opened 5 years ago

info-rchitect commented 5 years ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Power_Format http://www.techdesignforums.com/practice/guides/ieee-1801-2013-upf/


I am trying to standardize our pin importer across products and I am told the UPF file is theone that all products create. Has anyone dealt with this file before? Couldn't this be solved with treetop via a UPF parser that would be placed in cross_origen?


pderouen commented 5 years ago

I have not dealt with that format before. cross_origen does seem like the right place to put the functionality.

welguisz commented 5 years ago

I haven't used it. When I looked at the wiki page, it took me to a PDF that had the Scope and a few other things. All of the other links that I have clicked have gone to a dead end. What I saw, it looks like it has intersection with IP-XACT. I haven't used it so I have no idea if it is worthwhile. If you do find a spec, I would like to look at it and give a quick opinion on it.

If it is needed, then cross_origen would be the place to put it.