OriginProtocol / dshop

Origin Dshop - launch your own decentralized store
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[UI Update] Checkout flow for DShop's themes #1018

Open phyninja opened 2 years ago

phyninja commented 2 years ago

Order Summary

Attached are images that show the difference(s) between the way the 'Order Summary' is displayed on themes. The left side of an image is from the code on the master branch.

Theme name: Art/"Minimal"

Comparison - Art: Minimal

Theme name: Poly/"Showcase"

Comparison - Poly: Showcase

Shipping Method

In the last step of checkout, the Shipping Method should display the option selected by the user in the previous screen: Shipping Method Comparison - Cake: Artisan

Shopping Cart

On the Poly/"Showcase" theme, the icon to remove an item from the shopping cart has the same color as the background, effectively making the icon invisible. This issue also affects the number in the dropdown under 'Quantity': Shopping Cart Comparison - Poly: Showcase