OriginProtocol / dshop

Origin Dshop - launch your own decentralized store
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Need additional documentation details to deploy AWS Marketplace Solution #992

Open praeducer opened 2 years ago

praeducer commented 2 years ago

This is especially true for the process to deploy the solution to a production scenario. There is a lot of ambiguity in the first step of configuration. The first web form you hit when you log in after spinning up the VM has dozens of fields with very little detail on what should be filled out, what each field means to a brand new developer, and where to find the values needed.

Code and documentation needs to address multi-stage deployments like dev, QA, and prod.

The documentation also needs to be friendly to junior developers or even senior developers coming from different specialities. If you want greater adoption, don't make assumptions folks are blockchain or OGN specialists, for example.

I've been a web app developer for over ten years, working as a senior engineer and architect at AWS and Microsoft. I'm not super very badass, but definitely thought it'd be more straightforward to at least get a splash page up. Especially for a marketplace solution. Spent a couple hours on this, mostly gathering documentation and going through the install process twice, with no luck.

One concrete example is the Listing ID. No idea what that is and several Internet searches weren't fruitful. The one for local host in the docs didn't work in the launched cloud solution.

Happy to help with documentation or with automating deployment from the AWS Marketplace if someone can teach me how to fish. I'm good at those things.

kellyalb commented 2 years ago

I've had a similar experience. I would also be happy to help. So far everything seems to be working now except some small oddities...

phyninja commented 2 years ago


The "first-run" docs now provide a little more guidance on filling the Marketplace Listing ID field when configuring the (DShop) server: https://github.com/OriginProtocol/dshop/blob/master/docs/dshop/deployment/first-run.md#configure-the-server

Could you please share your thoughts?

phyninja commented 2 years ago

@praeducer The insight you share is valuable, but I need a little more of it. What exactly do you mean by the following?

definitely thought it'd be more straightforward to at least get a splash page up.