OriginProtocol / origin-bridge

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Return Twitter and Facebook account IDs with attestation responses #140

Closed tomlinton closed 5 years ago

tomlinton commented 5 years ago

On OAuth success the response should include the account ID for Twitter and Facebook to allow origin-dapp to store them in IPFS via origin-js.

micahalcorn commented 5 years ago

Please confirm the same for Airbnb, if possible.

sparrowDom commented 5 years ago

Yup the same goes for Airbnb

sparrowDom commented 5 years ago

We have decoded not to store Facebook identification into attestation for privacy reasons. For Twitter and Aribnb this is solved via: https://github.com/OriginProtocol/origin/pull/759

joshfraser commented 5 years ago

For Facebook, it wasn't about privacy, it was that Facebook disabled the API we needed to get a username.

sparrowDom commented 5 years ago

I thought it was about privacy because we could do Facebook attestation the Airbnb way, where users would need to post something on Facebook and we would verify it by fetching that post.

joshfraser commented 5 years ago

That's what I'd proposed, but I couldn't convince @matthewliu to get on board. I personally love publicly auditable proofs but Matt thinks they're too confusing for users. Our compromise was to leave things as is for now. We'll revisit once we have a more defined framework around how we're handling identity overall.

sparrowDom commented 5 years ago

Sounds good, let deal with this then