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Add support for Hashflow to OUSD DApp #891

Open joshfraser opened 2 years ago

joshfraser commented 2 years ago

Hashflow is a new DeFi trading platform that utilizes market makers to provide tighter spreads. Professional market makers frequently publish signed quotes offchain that anyone can submit onchain to redeem. We're currently testing out an OUSD pool. Once it's fully live, we'll probably want to integrate it into our DApp to make sure we're tapping into all the available liquidity sources.

Hashflow OUSD/USDT/USDC pool: https://next.hashflow.com/pool/0xbeed0d1c5f7e2988570ff70a22332d555d6d7657

Hashflow docs: https://docs.hashflow.com

DanielVF commented 2 years ago

That's a quite interesting setup. Feels like there will be money to made here somehow:

joshfraser commented 2 years ago

I haven't looked, but I'm assuming there are very short TTL's on those offers.

sparrowDom commented 2 years ago

Market maker answers with the quoteExpiry property which defines the TTL. Curious who in this case would be doing the MM part? AFAIK even when the funds are in the pool someone needs to implement the server to answer with quotes and signatures.