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New docs review time! #1227

Open DanielVF opened 5 years ago

DanielVF commented 5 years ago

Our new docs are up at https://docs.originprotocol.com/!

It's time for a quick review! I've tagged people on pages to get a second pair of eyes. These pages don't have to be brought up to date with the latest changes, but it would be nice not to have any typos nor anything really incorrect. Just check the box on the page when you've had a look.

Currently these pages are in the danielvf/newdocs branch, though that may go to master any time.






And More

micahalcorn commented 5 years ago

Some notes

Any chance that we can get a sticky footer? 👣




The whole thing could use a copy scrub, but we'll cross that bridge once the water is flowing.

Great work, @DanielVF! 🏆

sparrowDom commented 5 years ago

@DanielVF added small addition to discovery-server part... overall documentation looks great 🤘

Natasha08 commented 5 years ago

@DanielVF Great job! I updated danielvf/newdocs with the following updates:

MuraraAllan commented 5 years ago

Get Started (newcomers) Could be tagged as 'good first issue' so it will not be hidden when one search for 'good first issues'

https://docs.originprotocol.com/guides/getting_started/local-development.html still relates to develop branch