OriginProtocol / origin

Monorepo for our developer tools and decentralized marketplace application
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Pop To Top With Marketplace Tab #2875

Open micahalcorn opened 4 years ago

micahalcorn commented 4 years ago

As I user who is currently viewing a route other than the root (all listings), I expect to return "Home" by clicking the marketplace icon in the footer nav.

If I'm doing any work that will be left unfinished by navigating away (such as creating a listing), I should be prompted to confirm the unload event.

At Origin, we use ZenHub to manage our engineering tasks and product development. Download their browser extension and check out our open workspace at github.com/originprotocol/origin#zenhub.

micahalcorn commented 4 years ago

I particularly want to do this after creating a listing because there is no top-of-screen nav. 🙄

micahalcorn commented 4 years ago

I think that a user was also asking for this to "scroll to top" if already on the home screen. 🤔

micahalcorn commented 4 years ago
Screen Shot 2019-09-10 at 8 09 55 PM
micahalcorn commented 4 years ago

This would also be helpful for OAuth attestations where the user is redirected to a login page within the webview, such as Kakao. 😩 There is no back button in that case.