OriginalAlien / Roblox-Mass-Report

Mass Report Tool for Roblox. EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY! Made By Dreamer#5114
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this has been broken for a while and unless its updated, never will #25

Open WebHost6 opened 2 weeks ago

WebHost6 commented 2 weeks ago

the short story is that this won't work due to a change Roblox made and unless OriginalAlien updates it, it wont work. The long story is that the Reporter attempts to your your Roblox cookie to send a request to "https://www.roblox.com/build/upload" and then uses the beautiful soup library to extract the cookie "RequestVerificationToken" from the page. this doesn't work because the page it tries to get it from "https://www.roblox.com/build/upload" no longer exists and just redirects to create.roblox.com. so when the reporter sends a request to the website it gets a blank file in return, then it tries to extract the "RequestVerificationToken" and fails because the page nor the cookie exist and that results in the error below.

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'attrs'

edit, i am attempting to write my own mass reporter in bash using WSL since bash is the language most familiar with, if i succeed i will release it (unless OriginalAlien updates his)