Originate / exosphere

A modern cloud-based micro-service framework
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exo-test: erroring on EDX #582

Closed charlierudolph closed 7 years ago

charlierudolph commented 7 years ago


Was working for 0.23.0.alpha.4 and started failing when upgraded to 0.23.0.alpha.5.

screen shot 2017-09-19 at 6 38 02 pm

@hugobho @alexdavid you ever seen anything like this or have any idea what could be going wrong

charlierudolph commented 7 years ago

This works locally but not on CI. The docker compose file on CI is:

version: "3"
      context: /home/circleci/EDX/bank-service
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev
    command: bin/test
    container_name: bank-service
    - /home/circleci/EDX/bank-service:/mnt
    - postgres9.6.4:postgres
      DATABASE_NAME: edx
      DATABASE_PASSWORD: mypassword
      EXOCOM_HOST: exocom0.26.1
      POSTGRES: postgres
      ROLE: bank-service
    - postgres9.6.4
    image: postgres:9.6.4
    container_name: postgres9.6.4
    - 5432:5432
      POSTGRES_DB: edx
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: mypassword
      POSTGRES_USER: myuser
charlierudolph commented 7 years ago

One difference between alpha 4 and 5 was the introduction of the compose project name env variable to allow the use of separate networks in run vs tests.

List of changes: https://github.com/Originate/exosphere/compare/v0.23.0.alpha.4...v0.23.0.alpha.5

hugoesthere commented 7 years ago

I've never seen this error before, certainly not relating to COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME, docker compose usually gives pretty clear errors related to that. Does this happen consistently?

charlierudolph commented 7 years ago

Consistently on circle. Reran a build of alpha 4 and that passed, so I don't think something on circle changed

hugoesthere commented 7 years ago

What are the rest of the logs? Is this happening within a single docker-compose command or does it happen when we complete one and start another?

charlierudolph commented 7 years ago

The build stalls after this error which appears to be when it attempts to run the first test