Orion98MC / node_rrd

A node.js native binding for RRDtool (node rrd)
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npm install issue #13

Open bgobi1991 opened 8 years ago

bgobi1991 commented 8 years ago

Hi Team,

I went to install the npm but i got lot of error while installing the files. please guide me how can i install the node rrd. I am using windows 7, 64 bit os. attached screen shots for the error. errorcapture

Orion98MC commented 8 years ago


It seems node-gyp can't find python in your path.

bgobi1991 commented 8 years ago

Hi Orion98MC, I installed python stand alone package and run the command npm install but i got some errors.Please guide me what are the requirements needed for this. error_rrd

Orion98MC commented 8 years ago

Hey @bgobi1991

Unfortunately I have no knowledge on the Windows OS build requirements. But you may start by searching the error messages on ggl It seems pretty obvious though that node-gyp requires python and spotted you that the PYTHON env variable should be set accordingly. As for the .NET framework, you should be able to find help in the forums or on IRC channels dealing with nodejs.

Good luck, and please report back your solution in this thread for any windows users getting in the same trouble.

bgobi1991 commented 8 years ago

Hi Orion98MC, I was moved workaround for centos, Everything fine when execute the command npm install but i got the error when run the app.js. Please guide me what are requirements needed in linux. rrd file is important when showing the graph in my projects.


And one more warning when run this command npm install

npm WARN cannot run in wd rrd@0.0.5 node-gyp rebuild (wd=/root/node-v0.10.34/node_rrd)

Orion98MC commented 8 years ago

Hey @bgobi1991

It seems you did not properly build the module. Not to mention that you should avoid root wd and uid for this kind of stuff.

Without the build log I cannot say more.

bgobi1991 commented 8 years ago

Hi Orion98MC,,

I was run the command with npm install --unsafe-perm

But I got the error.please resolve it. This is npm log

0 info it worked if it ends with ok 1 verbose cli [ '/usr/local/bin/node', 1 verbose cli '/usr/local/bin/npm', 1 verbose cli 'install', 1 verbose cli '--unsafe-perm' ] 2 info using npm@1.4.28 3 info using node@v0.10.34 4 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps 5 verbose install where, deps [ '/home/gobi/node_rrd', 5 verbose install [ 'bindings', 'arguee', 'nan', 'mocha', 'node-gyp' ] ] 6 info preinstall rrd@0.0.5 7 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps 8 verbose already installed skipping bindings@* /home/gobi/node_rrd 9 verbose already installed skipping arguee@>=0.0.2 /home/gobi/node_rrd 10 verbose already installed skipping nan@* /home/gobi/node_rrd 11 verbose already installed skipping mocha@>=1.3.0 /home/gobi/node_rrd 12 verbose already installed skipping node-gyp@>=0.6.3 /home/gobi/node_rrd 13 silly resolved [] 14 info build /home/gobi/node_rrd 15 verbose linkStuff [ false, false, false, '/home/gobi' ] 16 info linkStuff rrd@0.0.5 17 verbose linkBins rrd@0.0.5 18 verbose linkMans rrd@0.0.5 19 verbose rebuildBundles rrd@0.0.5 20 verbose rebuildBundles [ '.bin', 'arguee', 'bindings', 'mocha', 'nan', 'node-gyp' ] 21 info install rrd@0.0.5 22 verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle true 23 info rrd@0.0.5 Failed to exec install script 24 error rrd@0.0.5 install: node-gyp rebuild 24 error Exit status 1 25 error Failed at the rrd@0.0.5 install script. 25 error This is most likely a problem with the rrd package, 25 error not with npm itself. 25 error Tell the author that this fails on your system: 25 error node-gyp rebuild 25 error You can get their info via: 25 error npm owner ls rrd 25 error There is likely additional logging output above. 26 error System Linux 2.6.32-504.8.1.el6.i686 27 error command "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "--unsafe-perm" 28 error cwd /home/gobi/node_rrd 29 error node -v v0.10.34 30 error npm -v 1.4.28 31 error code ELIFECYCLE 32 verbose exit [ 1, true ]


bgobi1991 commented 8 years ago

Hi Orion98MC, Any update on this ?

bgobi1991 commented 8 years ago

Hi Orion98MC,

I followed steps for

aptitude install librrd-dev and run the command npm install -unsafe-perm but got some error.


bgobi1991 commented 8 years ago

Hi Orion98MC,

Can you update the status for this issue ?

Orion98MC commented 8 years ago

Hi, Please refer to this issue: #11