Orlando-c / que-pro

Apache License 2.0
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Week 24 (Final Project) #14

Open Orlando-c opened 1 year ago

Orlando-c commented 1 year ago


Item Self Score P1 Score P2 Score Accumulative
Project Quality 1 1 1 1
Individual UI (Data Cleaned) 1 0 0 .33
Individual UI (Get/Post) 0 0 0 0
Individual UI (Update/Del)(Bonus) 0 0 0 0
Code Quality 0 1 1 .66
API handles error conditions 1 1 1 1
API contains GET and POST methods 1 1 1 1
Database operations that support Create, Read 1 1 1 1
Database operations that support Update, Delete(Bonus) 0 0 0 0
Team review ticket .5 .5 .5 .5
Review Ticket / Presentation .5 .5 .5 .5
Runtime Links .5 .5 .5 .5
Technical Achievements, backend focus .5 0 .5 .33
Guides for Review (include Blog) .5 .5 .5 .5
Video 0 0 0 0
GitHub analytics .5 .5 .5 .5
Bonus, substitute and personal achievement for .5 more 0 0 .5 .166
- Total Total Total Average
- 8 7.5 9 ~8.25

Person 1 Comment: Your code is clean and is very easy to understand. You were able to prove that your connection to your frontend and backend exist even if it doesn't have the desired outcome. Your code is function and serves the purpose of storing user data. I think the only thing to improve is getting the desired outcome of an updated database.

Person 2 Comment:

Runtime (binary criteria below, 3 points + bonus)

Observe Team project quality, runs on cross domain, performs all evaluations without crashing. - Website fully functional with all api's able to respond to the server [Observe, Individual UI contains inputs that are validated for garbage, data cleaned (ie validate DOB or Password)]() [Observe, Individual UI contains actions for Create, Read,]() [Observe, Individual UI contains actions for Update, Delete (above requirement)]()

Code Review (binary criteria below, 4 points + bonus)

[Individual code quality, review and observe comments in every function, class, or method reviewed.]() [BE review, observe if Individual API handles error conditions (ie duplicate user id)]() [BE review, observe if Individual API contains GET and POST methods]() [BE review, observe that Individual code contains database operations that support Create, Read]() [BE review, observe that Individual code contains database operations that support Update, Delete (above requirement)]()

[Team review ticket 1 point. Participation of Individuals, 75% of individuals completed college board requirements with a crossover score on each of 6 criteria.]()

Individual Review Ticket 3 points. Provide me individual review ticket that is linked from Team Summary. Highlight your accomplishments. (.5 each with Bonus)

[Review Ticket / Presentation]()

Runtime Links

[Technical Achievements, backend focus]() - I deployed the backend flask profile onto our AWS server and is fully functional right now and took a large amount of my time where I focused on setting this up so it works. As well as the added task of using 2 APIs to set up my game. I was also on a time constraint as I had to focus on other classes, other projects, and as well as my presidents week break where I didn't have access to my laptop. For this project as well as I really wanted for both my openai chat model

[Guides for Review (include Blog)]()

[Video]() - N/A

GitHub analytics - Frontend - Backend

[Bonus, substitute and personal achievement for .5 more]() - I deployed the backend flask profile onto our AWS server and is fully functional right now and took a large amount of my time where I focused on setting this up so it works. I also got an AI to randomly generate a story that players would have to complete however I was unable to integrate that into my game due to the many constrictions.


Although I might have not done as well as I did last trimester, I definitely had a blast learning new things even when they were some of the most unexpected, wild, and newest things we were learning. The challenges I had to cross to get my website deployed, information added to my API, and even using another API to generate a response based on a randomly generated question is an amazing feat. I still have lots to learn and looking forward to next trimester.