Orlando-pt / evosuite_defect-prediction-techniques

EvoSuite - automated generation of JUnit test suites for Java classes
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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DDU #3

Open Orlando-pt opened 1 year ago

Orlando-pt commented 1 year ago


In this issue, information is gathered on how to run ddu. In order to run it follow the next steps:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Checkout to the ddu branch
  3. Create an executable jar file
    • mvn package -DskipITs -DskipTests
  4. Copy the master jar file to a project where evosuite can be executed. It is located at master/target/...
  5. Run the jar executable in a project
    • $ java -jar evosuite-master-1.2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -class tutorial.Stack -projectCP target/classes -generateSuite -Dstrategy=Evosuite -criterion= DDU_BRANCH
    • In the previous example we specified the class and projectCP appropriate to the project we were running, on your experiments this parameters should be changed accordingly.
    • The rest of the parameters should not be touched, they are the ones responsible for running DDU as the preferred fitness function for Evosuite.

Other notes

jose commented 1 year ago

Só para confirmar: tens 100% certeza que é DDU_METHOD e não DDU_BRANCH?

jose commented 1 year ago

For the record, it is DDU_BRANCH.