Orvid / Caprica

A compiler for the Papyrus scripting language used by the Creation Engine.
MIT License
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Not getting this to compile (suggestion, add example code to the Backus-Naur spec) #34

Open NidusUmbra opened 5 months ago

NidusUmbra commented 5 months ago

The new code features are very welcome indeed. Thanks.

However I'm not getting this to compile:

... For int x = 0 To aggroed.Length step 1 aggroed[i].StartCombat(self, true) self.StartCombat(aggroed[i], false) EndFor ...

Am I doing something wrong? It seems in order. I suggest clarifying with some examples.

Orvid commented 5 months ago

The for loop support requires the --enable-language-extensions flag to be passed when compiling. Language extension support is disabled by default, but that doesn't seem to have been updated in the readme yet.