Orzo4838 / Navigation-Bar-Test

Navigation Bar Test
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Learn HTML + CSS #1

Open Orzo4838 opened 2 months ago

Orzo4838 commented 2 months ago

Start Learning These.

sumeidibr commented 2 months ago

What would like to learn?

Orzo4838 commented 2 months ago

sorry @sumeidibr i thought i had these on private. they are just little reminders of what i need to think about/do. if you would like to see what i learn just make sure to keep an eye out on my profile for new repositories.

sumeidibr commented 2 months ago

Great, I'm gonna keep an eye out of your profile.... What if we follow each other back? Let me know if you down for it

Orzo4838 commented 1 month ago

sorry for the late response @sumeidibr ive been really busy but yeah sure ill add you back! :)

sumeidibr commented 1 month ago

Sure let's do it