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Памятка по git #29

Open vovs03 opened 5 years ago

vovs03 commented 5 years ago

Работа с git (true commits & Flow)

Удаление веток

как работать в git с форком

:mega: https://github.com/OsArts/Bible-study

удаление последнего коммита

git log --pretty --graph --date=short


vovs03 commented 4 years ago

4 Useful Solutions to Common Git Problems

vovs03 commented 3 years ago

Good commits

1st variant

I tend to use emojis for the type - it shows the type of the commit at first glance, e.g.:

:heavy_plus_sign: when adding a file or implementing a feature 🔨 :hammer: when fixing a bug or issue 💚 :green_heart: when improving code or comments ⚡ :zap: when improving performance 📜 :scroll: when updating docs or readme 🔑 :key: when dealing with security 🔁 :repeat: when updating dependencies or data ✅ :white_check_mark: when a new release was built 👕 :shirt: when refactoring or removing linter warnings ❌ :x: when removing code or files

2nd variant

Here is the web for other Git emoji ideas: https://gitmoji.carloscuesta.me/ For me, it looks too much to remember, so I just use some emojis to keep it simple:


vovs03 commented 3 years ago

⚗️ :alembic: == feature [feat]