Osiris-Team / AutoPlug-Client

Server manager with automatic plugin- mod- server- java- self- updater, scheduled restarts, automatic backups, shared folders, and many more handy features to automate/boost your server maintenance.
MIT License
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Custom check URLs for checking plugins from outside bukkit.org/spigotmc.org #63

Open Cale111 opened 3 years ago

Cale111 commented 3 years ago

Problem: I have a lot of plugins not on the Spigot or Bukkit websites.

Solution: I think a solution could be where you put in your own download link in manually for it to check for updates from, then if there are some it downloads the new version automatically for you from that URL, like for plugins on CI or ones with downloads on external websites.

Osiris-Team commented 3 years ago

@Cale111 there is already an option to download a plugin from a custom download link (c-link in the plugins config). But I guess what you mean is a custom check link, right? Because even with the custom download link, if the plugin isn't on spigot/bukkit, there is no way to check for updates. With a custom check link, that points to a yaml/json file with following fields name, author, version, check-sum, you could check for updates for plugins hosted on other places.

Cale111 commented 3 years ago

Oh I did not realize that was an option in the config, I looked but I guess I just didn't see it. Thank you and sorry for the unnecessary feature request.

Cale111 commented 3 years ago

Oh and yeah I wasn't specifically looking for automatic update checking.

Osiris-Team commented 3 years ago

Ok doesnt matter. I'm just gonna edit ur title and add it as feature request.