OsirizX / ShaRKF00D

An extractor and decrypter for Vita's SceShaccCg module.
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ShaRKF00D crashes #2

Open crazyrokr opened 3 years ago

crazyrokr commented 3 years ago

Hello. I've installed PSM 2.01 and system information show 2.01 version. Then I launch ShaRKF00D 1.3 and it crashes with C2-12828-1 after two lines:

VitaShellPatch search module id 0x35262b
VitaShellKernel2 search module id 0x15186f

Could you help to figure out what's wrong? Is core dump helpful to find the issue?

Contemporaneamente commented 2 years ago

I am encountering the same exact problem and i can't find any way to troubleshoot it

evaxige commented 9 months ago

To install libshacccg.suprx, download and put this file to ur0:/data/, restart VitaDB. Details: https://github.com/AnimMouse/SceShaccCg