Oslandia / albion

Migrated to: https://gitlab.com/Oslandia/albion
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Introduce faults in Albion #40

Open DUGUEY opened 6 years ago

DUGUEY commented 6 years ago

Fault should be also modelise in Albion according to the mean meaning of the software (Delaunay triangulation to constrain de cross section trend , graph to constrain geological interpretation along the cross section). the idea to have different level of delaunay triangulation can be usefull to modelise the different type of faults (see figure below)


The cross section and the map below show how to integrate faults with "Albion concept" image3

wantolinez4 commented 6 years ago

Hi every one, I'm new in this. I would like to use Albion to construct a 3D geological model for my study basin. Can someone tell me how I can install the software in Q-GIS 3? Thank you very much!

vmora commented 6 years ago

Hi @wantolinez4, for the moment Albion is not yet usable with qgis 3.

wantolinez4 commented 6 years ago

Thaks for the information Vincent!... do you you have a tutorial to install Albion in qgis 2? Thank you very much!

vmora commented 6 years ago

@wantolinez4 no installation tutorial yet, sorry for that.