OstermD / EAIK

EAIK: A Toolbox for Efficient Analytical Inverse Kinematics by Subproblem Decomposition
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Code duplicates #12

Open JonathanKuelz opened 2 weeks ago

JonathanKuelz commented 2 weeks ago

The implementations of IK_DH, IK_Homogeneous, and IK_URDF share a lot of common code.

Is there any reason to not define an abstract robot base class, implement all their functionalities once, and inherit from this base class to define the modeling-specific functionalities?

That's something I can easily do as it's on the python side. However, I wanted to know whether you didn't do that intentionally @OstermD ?

OstermD commented 2 weeks ago

No, I initially thought of a completely different implementation but then stuck with the copy-paste code snippets. This is indeed just some bad code design and should be added to a more concise class hierarchy.

JonathanKuelz commented 2 weeks ago

Did you already adapt the code? If not, feel free to reopen and assign me - I can refactor the code quickly