OtagoPolytechnic / third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcade

third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcades created by GitHub Classroom
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Left stick input for game select #108

Open OP-ReubenK opened 3 weeks ago

OP-ReubenK commented 3 weeks ago

The left stick does not work when selecting games. this is because the left stick profile uses the A and D keys and the game carousel only accepts the left and right arrows as inputs. This can be fixed by adding A and D to the accepted keys in the carousels code.

OP-ReubenK commented 3 weeks ago

image current keys accepted

OP-ReubenK commented 3 weeks ago

image The addition of "a" and "d" keys now allow the mapping of the left stick to move the carousel.

OP-ReubenK commented 2 weeks ago

This fix created a bug where it only accepted the left input from ALL keys. Leaving open as a future fix