OtagoPolytechnic / third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcade

third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcades created by GitHub Classroom
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Bug fixed #112

Open ramandeepkau opened 1 month ago

ramandeepkau commented 1 month ago
  1. Removing Delays: Eliminated unnecessary delay() calls in the unlockScreen() function to prevent the screen from unlocking by itself after a few seconds.

  2. Continuous Card Checking: Implemented a loop that continuously checks for the presence of the recognized card.

  3. Improved Logic: Adjusted the logic so that the screen locks when the recognized card is presented and only unlocks when the same card is presented again.

  4. Put a small delay, so that it does not read the card multiple times.

ramandeepkau commented 1 month ago

This is the final code of the locking and unlocking feature and I am linking all the issues it is related too -








ramandeepkau commented 3 weeks ago

This code is being merged into to main it should be going into the staging branch. There are two code files here and they do basically the same things. Im not sure why. This is a full rewrite of the code, not small changes. Im not going to approve this pull request, there are too many issues in the code and it's not clear how it would integrate. The title of this pull request "Bug fix" is not really right its a full rewrite of the code.

Hey Tom, Sorry if it confused you in any sense but, I have made small change to the final code, like the password and an array making for storing multiple cards. I would like you to see the hardware working with the Arcade and also how the code works . I would also encourage you to have a look at this issue : https://github.com/OtagoPolytechnic/third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcade/issues/113 for what bug has been fixed. The base branch has been changed too.

SamanthaCra commented 3 weeks ago

You need to recreate this pull request with all of your changes in one request if you have fixed them in other branches.

OP-ReubenK commented 3 weeks ago

This Branch and project has some glaring issues. I recommend withholding approval and push until it can be restructured.

ramandeepkau commented 1 week ago

We still have to fix the security implementation for storing cards in the code .