OtagoPolytechnic / third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcade

third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcades created by GitHub Classroom
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RFID Branching and compilation #122

Closed ramandeepkau closed 2 weeks ago

ramandeepkau commented 3 weeks ago

This issue and branch will contain all the script related to RFID , what changes have been made. You can find all the relevant issues related to RFID. There will be the final code for RFID in this branch too.

https://github.com/OtagoPolytechnic/third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcade/issues/113 https://github.com/OtagoPolytechnic/third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcade/issues/105 https://github.com/OtagoPolytechnic/third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcade/issues/100 https://github.com/OtagoPolytechnic/third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcade/issues/103

ramandeepkau commented 3 weeks ago

There is an open pull request for this issue for security purposes. IF future team wants to pick up this project and wants to make any changes to the code related to the cards/tags and passwords for security they can then make changes and push this code to the main branch.

ramandeepkau commented 2 weeks ago

I am closing off this issue as the pull request has ben merged to staging.