OtagoPolytechnic / third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcade

third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcades created by GitHub Classroom
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Input and display lag #86

Open OP-ReubenK opened 1 month ago

OP-ReubenK commented 1 month ago

the Game devs have described a slight lag with gameplay and input. This delay does not seem to exist on the classroom computers. This could be the pc we are using or it could be the VGA tv connection.

My first suggestion is to test the VGA and HDMI connections with the current set up. Of course this means we still have the resolution issue that is present with the HDMI setup.

If the lag persists, my next suggestion is to take one of the computers that does not have the delay, and test it with the current controls and connections, in both VGA and HDMI configs.

OP-ReubenK commented 1 month ago

Also could be an issue with antimocro. test keyboard and Xbox controller inputs.

SamanthaCra commented 1 month ago

Investigated the controller input on a different screen with the same connection, a dell LCD monitor and game devs said their game input improved significantly.

OP-ReubenK commented 3 weeks ago

Discussions indicate this could be an error with the graphics card. given the age of the pc and its limited use scope, it seems reasonable that gaming may be too much of a load for it, or its not communicating with the tv correctly. this should be tested in future hardware projects, like maybe a dedicated arcade pc build.

OP-ReubenK commented 3 weeks ago

re-opened as I just meant to comment and not comment + close issue