OtagoPolytechnic / third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcade

third-year-studio-2024-rainy-arcades created by GitHub Classroom
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Testing RFID with Arduino pro micro #97

Closed ramandeepkau closed 1 month ago

ramandeepkau commented 1 month ago

The RFID should work with Arduino pro micro so that the serial monitor should give the UID of RFID tag/card.

ramandeepkau commented 1 month ago

As the initial setup was to use 3 10k resistors in order to make the RFID Reader work with the Arduino Leonardo, But it does not seems to work as the power to operate RFID reader was not enough because I have been given the mini version of Arduino leonardo. After trying it for a week it was not seems to be working. Then I changed the Arduino to Arduino pro micro and try connecting the RFID with the resistors to make sure that it is getting enough power. But it wasn't work. After struggling I end by removing the resistors and make it work without the 3 10k resistors.