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11am 14th Feb rm319 Dept of Biochemistry - 5 x 5 Lightning SYSKA #52

Closed murraycadzow closed 6 years ago

murraycadzow commented 7 years ago

First session for the year and we're going to start off with a 5x5 lightning SYSKA. 5 speakers, 5 minutes each on stuff you should know about

Topics and speakers will be confirmed shortly If you would like to volunteer to speak that would be awesome - just let me know


murraycadzow commented 7 years ago

Speakers and topics for this session are:

Dave- Overleaf Ruth - updating R and reinstalling packages Murray - Genomic data formats Tanya - Slack Mik - Rmarkdown: making it Shine

mikblack commented 7 years ago

Link to repo for Rmarkdown/Shiny SYSKA (presentation and dashboard code):


Note that you'll need a recent version of RStudio to enable flexdashboards. The presentation needs to be run from within RStudio since it contains an embedded Shiny app.

ruthtopless commented 7 years ago

My notes:

find the path for your library


make a list of old packages

package_df = as.data.frame(installed.packages("/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library")) package_list = as.character(package_df$Package)

auto install all old packages


update packages

update.packages("/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library", ask = F)