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11am, 10th May, rm 319 Biochem: Electronic Lab Notebook using Markdown, GitHub and Hugo - a small step towards Open Science #78

Open murraycadzow opened 6 years ago

murraycadzow commented 6 years ago

Tired of re-explaining what you've been doing for the last 2 months to your supervisor(s)? Can't be bothered to keep your physical lab notebook clean and organised? Want to easily share your newest methods and results with your colleagues/students?

Look no further - In this session, we will present a couple of ways one can implement a shareable open/closed Electronic Lab Notebook using Markdown, Git/GitHub and Hugo. This brief presentation is aimed to open up a discussion on how we can improve reproducibility of our research, better communicate our work with others, and try to ease the day-to-day mess students and/or supervisors have to put up with.

Josh and Riku will be presenting

murraycadzow commented 6 years ago

an example lab notebook for the session
