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Markdown madness 11am, 7th June, rm319 biochem #80

Open murraycadzow opened 6 years ago

murraycadzow commented 6 years ago

Hi everyone,

This week is going to be a (R)markdown themed SYSKA session

So come and learn/share some of the markdown tricks that are floating around to make some excellent reproducible documents

A few slots of 5-10 minutes on some aspect of markdown, I have a few people lined up already but there is always room for more if you want to share

see you there Murray

dataknut commented 6 years ago

YAML etc options for enhancing outputs:

and many more at https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/

dataknut commented 6 years ago

Citation styles:

dataknut commented 6 years ago

definitive guide to RMarkdown is out. One of my UK PhDs (@MikeyLHarper) contributed to this so tell him if you like it https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown/