Otann / wrench

🔧 Elegant configuration for a more civilized age
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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EDN coercion is broken #10

Open Otann opened 3 years ago

jwdevantier commented 3 years ago

Would this explain the following failing ?

(ns app.env
  (:require [wrench.core :as cfg]
            [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))

(s/def ::env #{"DEV" "PROD"})

(cfg/def ENV {:name "MYAPP_ENV"
              :default "PROD"
              :spec ::env})



From a repl

> (cfg/reset! :env (cfg/from-file "dev-config.edn"))
> (cfg/validate-and-print)
Failed to load config:
- configuration #'app.env/ENV present, but does not conform spec: nil
Otann commented 3 years ago

@jwdevantier hallo! sorry for the late reply.

The issue you are facing is related to the fact that when Clojure reads EDN from a sting, it would interpret single string as a symbol. So if you change your spec to this

(s/def ::env #{'DEV 'PROD})

Then the validation would pass. I understand that it is not intuitive at all :) and it would be nice to have a way of limiting the value with a spec while still having them as strings. And it also does not print the actual spec.

Let me check what could be done about it and get back