OtherCrashOverride / go-play

Retro emulation for the ODROID-GO
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Investigate I2C RTC support for GB/GBC #9

Open OtherCrashOverride opened 6 years ago

OtherCrashOverride commented 6 years ago

The ODROID-GO has an expansion port on the top. It should be possible to attach an RTC to this for games that make use of the date/time.

kamotswind commented 6 years ago

Is the code for the base OS on GitHub? I may be able to help with this since I have worked with I2C RTCs before and I have several. I haven't worked on an ESP32 platform before but it doesn't look much different.

OtherCrashOverride commented 6 years ago

The base OS code fork is here: https://github.com/OtherCrashOverride/esp-idf

It should not require any OS modifications to implement. Using the I2C APIs, the RTC can be read and the date set using an API call.

rickyzhang82 commented 6 years ago

How about enable WIFI and use NTP to get a time stamp?

OtherCrashOverride commented 6 years ago

Although possible, the use of wifi would introduce a large delay to game startup during the associate and retrieval operation. It would also require the introduction of UI to display APs and allow entering a password to connect.