OtterBrowser / otter-browser

Otter Browser aims to recreate the best aspects of the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5
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Browser icon #16

Closed fastrizwaan closed 10 years ago

fastrizwaan commented 10 years ago

Do we have application icon for otter browser? I'd like to make fedora rpm, but needs icon.

Emdek commented 10 years ago

Not yet, I would suggest to use transparent PNG for now. I've talked with my friend today and he may have find some time to draw one, but it is not sure yet. If he will unable to do that then I'll start "competition" on main page. I've created some temporary icons earlier but none is good enough, it is not my specialty. ;-)

eworm-de commented 10 years ago

Could you give an idea about how the icon should look like?

For me the name "otter" is connected to the animal [0]. I could imagine something like the firefox logo, but with a bit "O" (like Opera used to have) in the background and an otter in foreground.

BTW, a desktop file would be great as well.

Emdek commented 10 years ago

@eworm-de, are you reading my thoughts? This is exact description of one of my visions for icon. ;-)

But as I've mentioned above it may be already in the works, it would be best idea to wait at least for one week, if someone would like to try to draw one (also not that it should be SVG from start and look could at 16 x 16 and 32 x 32 sizes), there is plenty of time before another alpha. ;-)

fastrizwaan commented 10 years ago

mispp commented 10 years ago

something like maybe?

Emdek commented 10 years ago

@mispp, not really, line art doesn't (down) scale well.

Frenzie commented 10 years ago

A Firefox-like otter, you say? :P

Emdek commented 10 years ago

@Frenzie, yeah, but a bit more... a bit more subtle gradients and details. ;-)

Frenzie commented 10 years ago

I saw in #18 that someone's already on it. Or is that just for the code?

Emdek commented 10 years ago

@Frenzie, just code. :-) Duplicates are not allowed (had I mentioned that I'm strict? ;-)) so it would be closed by now.

Frenzie commented 10 years ago

I made some quick sketches, but I'm not really sure I can quite capture an otter. So here's a couple of SVG sketches.

This one I based on the picture linked earlier (rather too heavily now that I look at it again). I do think it disproves what you said about line art not scaling down to icons well, because I think its icon shape looks pretty awesome.



This here was a failed attempt to take it in a somewhat different direction from the same mold. otter-face

Emdek commented 10 years ago

@Frenzie, not bad, but as I've noted above someone is already assigned. ;-) Although there will be always place for unofficial artwork. But also keep in mind that mentioned attempt is not yet ready and has to be accepted too, when it will be ready. :-)

eleefece commented 10 years ago

A little sketch i made as soon i read about the project... maybe you could find it useful...


fastrizwaan commented 10 years ago

Otter has a very cute face, which is missing in the above icons

Emdek commented 10 years ago

@eleefece, interesting concept, but yeah, head should be more detailed. But be warned that official "competition" for an icon wasn't started yet (and I'm not yet sure if there will be need for it).

mispp commented 10 years ago

@eleefece, it looks nice, but my first though was that this was an alien :)

eleefece commented 10 years ago

As i said early, this was a rough sketch, i know there is space for improvement (a lot), I also know there´s no official competition (or need for it) but trying never hurts ;D I guess I´ll wait until further notice on the "official" icon is issued

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

eleefece: The first thing I thought when I've seen your drawings was: Firefox!

AlexTalker commented 10 years ago

I think, created icon in Opera style, no?Simple for drawing and not hard elements for compressing elements...

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

If the normal environment of an otter is the sea, why not use it instead of the Earth? or an otter on an Island?

Emdek commented 10 years ago

@srgloureiro, it is one of the original ideas to make some use of water (so also blue color). :-)

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

How the firefox logo was done:

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

and the new one is even better, as it removed some unnecessary complexity

Frenzie commented 10 years ago

The one from '09-'13 is clearly the ugliest of the lot. >_>

twied commented 10 years ago

To avoid drifting away otters hold hands during the night. This is not only incredibly cute but would make a great logo imho: Holding together an otherwise drifting away community and stuff. otters

I think that copying firefox' style of logo isn't too good and agree with fastrizwaan that the logo otter should have a face.

Emdek commented 10 years ago

@twied, then maybe logo with multiple otters holding hands to emphasize modularity? :-D Just joking, logo should contain "single instance", but this could be good idea for some promotional artwork etc. :-)

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

some inspiration can come from

I discovered it from

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

inspiration also can come from (of course i mean only the animal not the red triangle of the traffic signal)

discovered on the page.

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

more inspiration:

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

Very good this logo

discovered on

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

more inspiration:

from . BTW this page has very interesting links about otters.

And even the home page of this site has some nice info about otters

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

more inspiration:

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

accidentally, I found this interesting t-shirt picture:

In the "More Photos" section there is a brown picture without the t-shirt which is the reason of me posting this.

UPDATE: It is posible to select options in the comboboxes at the right and after see the picture changed on the big photo frame.

alekksander commented 10 years ago

slightly suggesting, but mostly just to share my thoughts - i think otter browser icon should avoid looking firefox and especially iceweasel icon like (although its quite nice icon). shouldn't be cute, but rather neutral. should be close to what "eworm-de" described (glad emdek actually supports that idea) use independent style (please please don't make it flat(like nowadays trends), or over-the-top-kde-like). it would be nice to see slight reference to the opera logo, and even nicer to see an otter on its back - quite like when its flowing on the water surface. anyway, can't wait to see the actual result!

ps. as usually, deviant has some nice ideas... here is a better link

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

@alekksander: I went to the link you posted and in I discovered a colour that I would like to see on the Otter icon. I mean the colour of the otter that is under the "Animal form" text


Because it has some resemblance with the color of the Opera logo, being different enough from it. And no other browser icon is represented with that color. And I also think that is an "alive enough" colour.

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

Purple is also a good choice for the same reasons.

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

BTW, I really like the pictures where they have fish in the mouth.

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago XD, this one would be great for teasing with Opera, because a violin is a frequent instrument in Operas.

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago Getting only the face from this picture for the icon seems a good idea to me.

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

Good faces here:

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

More good inspiration:

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

More inspiration:

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

Good inspiration:

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago A mermaid otter seems also a nice idea.

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago


srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

I like this:

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

More inspiration:

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

good face:

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

another good face:

srgloureiro commented 10 years ago

one more: