OtterBrowser / otter-browser

Otter Browser aims to recreate the best aspects of the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5
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Download manager issues #346

Closed lollox closed 9 years ago

lollox commented 10 years ago

In these days I'm testing Otter for more time so I'm finding more small problems

About the download manager, I don't know if it's inherited from webkit or is written from scratch, but on my Win7 system it works very bad... I tested it several times but for the most when I start a download it begins to download, but:

  1. the speed is far away from the max available (always compared with other integrated download manager (Opera, Firefox) to be sure it's not a network/server problem);
  2. it's really unstable (for example, begins at 200kbs, after few seconds is 15, then 50, 8, 100, 0, etc ... again always compared with other DM where all is more stable);
  3. (above all) 9 out 10 times, the download is stopped before completation;
  4. If I try to restart using the button, Otter crashes.

And, as special guest :P , here there is a feature request: can you copy the behavihor of Opera where if you click on the source address it's all selected automatically?

Tnx :)

Emdek commented 10 years ago

First two could be upstream issues, something wrong in QtNetwork, I've never seen such behavior. Please note that we use bytes instead of bits (MB/s vs Mb/s), so it could appear to be sow when comparing using different units. If could be reported upstream, as long it would be possible to create good test case.

  1. Any backtrace?

can you copy the behavihor of Opera where if you click on the source address it's all selected automatically?

Uhm, I don't see such feature (From field in bottom pane), where exactly?

lollox commented 10 years ago
Uhm, I don't see such feature (From field in bottom pane), where exactly?

Possible it's only on Windows? If I click on that address all the text is highlighted ... it's very handy to fast-copy it

About the bugs: I reported it after several tests (noticed weeks ago, tested with more accuracy these days) so I'm quite sure about it ... how can I make a good report for it?

beastie1 commented 10 years ago

I can confirm 3 and 4.

Concerning 3, I though it was my connection, but now that others are having the same issues... Note that the problem doesn't always occur.

As for 4, Otter has indeed been crashing when pausing a download since as far as I can remember. On a positive note, it's the only type of crash I've ever experienced.

EDIT: I just experienced issue 3 while downloading the latest master. screenshot_10062014-203556 I closed and restarted Otter to avoid issue 4 and clicked the Redownload button and everything worked perfectly.

Emdek commented 10 years ago

@lollox, @beastie1, I'll try to reproduce that. That resume crash occurs only afters such filed download, before restarting application?

lollox commented 10 years ago

yes, if you restart Otter (manually or after a crash) the resume button works as expected

beastie1 commented 10 years ago

@Emdek, yes everything works fine after restarting Otter. The download is restarted and completed without problems. I've experienced the bug once on Windows 7 a week or two ago, and many times on FreeBSD. If memory serves me well, it occurs when pausing the download, not resuming it.

By the way, I haven't been able to reproduce the bug recently. I don't know if it's been fixed with something else. I'll report here if it happens again.

The selection behavior @lollox is talking about is specific to the Windows version: the From, To, Size and Transferred fields are autoselected, just like the AddressField in Otter when you have the SelectAllOnFocus option on. With Opera on *nix systems you have to triple-click to get the same result.

@lollox, what version are you using, and on what system?

lollox commented 10 years ago

@beastie1 : Otter 0.9.02 on Win7 x32

About autoselect in Opera, I didn't know it was a system specific behavior

beastie1 commented 10 years ago

Okay, the issue still occurs on a master build from yesterday. And as I first said, it occurs when pausing the download.

Also, issues 3 and 4 appeared at the same time. While downloading today's master, it stopped near 200KB (transfer speed dropped to 0 and remained there) and when I paused the download, Otter crashed.

beastie1 commented 9 years ago

I'm seeing

QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.

on the console every time I'm stopping a download. Maybe this is related to the issue.

By the way, these downloads are not crashing Otter. But I did have a few download-related crashes the other day.

Emdek commented 9 years ago

@beastie1, that output is unrelated, it is shown randomly and quite annoying, especially that it is worthless information.

The-Compiler commented 9 years ago

You could use qInstallMessageHandler to install a message handler which filters uninteresting messages.

I currently filter these in my own QtWebKit project (regex patterns):

Emdek commented 9 years ago

@The-Compiler, thanks, there is also message related to glyphs which shows up from time to time.

Emdek commented 9 years ago

@lollox, @beastie1, does it (3) still happen in current master (please note Qt version)?

beastie1 commented 9 years ago

Just testing it now, 3. doesn't seem to occur. But I'm still using the same version of Qt (on FreeBSD at least), so I can't tell if it's due to changes in Otter or just a coincidence. I'll report if it occurs again of course.

Emdek commented 9 years ago

@beastie1, there were some changes recently, especially 03fe361b8b4ab3b855235050decaeeb64b85dc62.

Emdek commented 9 years ago

Since this ticket is silent I'm assuming that these issues do not happen anymore. There was pretty big change there in 7a8d5d290606acf9108a02c5bf9685829f5dd1c3 which totally changed the way how does it work internally (needed to support upcoming downloads API of QtWebEngine and making it more friendly for concepts like Bittorent support: #59).

Please reopen if needed, as there might be new issues after that overhaul (so far it seems to be stable).