Ottermandias / RezPls

Signify players currently being rezzed or already rezzed in group/alliance interface and on the ground.
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 6 forks source link

Could we have an "inverse" option for raising icon in the world? #3

Open zjhendryx opened 3 years ago

zjhendryx commented 3 years ago

Currently, the only option is to draw a world icon on someone when they don't need to be raised as someone else has done it already. However, in some content (such as Bozja) this can result in situations where the world is full of raise icons, making it harder to find the people you need to raise. For world fates and Bozja, I find it best to therefore run the plugin with this option disabled.

Would it be possible to have an option to inverse this behaviour, so that when selected this new Raise Setting would make it so that a Raise icon is shown in world when someone does not have someone casting a raise, nor waiting to accept the raise.

This option would make using a raise world icon more useful world & Bozja content... as the only icons shown in the world would then be the people you (as a healer) need to give attention to as someone with a raise action.

Even if you don't feel like adding this option, thank you anyhow for all the work on the plugin.

BoxxiDev commented 3 years ago

I second this! I would also like to suggest the option to only enable this for dead healers, or alternatively making the dead healers distinct from other dead bodies.

Ottermandias commented 3 years ago

This was deemed over the line for the plugin repo.

BoxxiDev commented 3 years ago

Oh, that's unfortunate :( Did you add it and had to remove it, or did you ask for permission? Many thanks for your work on this regardless!