Ottermandias / RezPls

Signify players currently being rezzed or already rezzed in group/alliance interface and on the ground.
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 6 forks source link

Suggestion for adding a sound effect somehow when someone dies and needs a rez #4

Open StrawberryClover opened 3 years ago

StrawberryClover commented 3 years ago

I would absolutely love if there was some sort of sound indicator that someone in your group has died, or has gone below a certain health threshold. I'm a red mage and often have to look at the party menu just to see how others are doing, but would love a sound indicator that way I can just focus on my rotation and the mechanics. It would also probably be helpful if there were sound indicators for other events, such as debuffs and perhaps even a someone else is rezzing this person if you so wish to do so.