Ottermandias / RezPls

Signify players currently being rezzed or already rezzed in group/alliance interface and on the ground.
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[Suggestion] Highlight Healers in your Party who have already used Swiftcast? #9

Open Serfrost opened 2 years ago

Serfrost commented 2 years ago

When playing as a Red Mage or Summoner it can be difficult to gauge when it's necessary to start using your own resurrection spell to assist the Healers - (when they are stuck hardcasting or waiting for the full 60 seconds to expire.)

If we could tell when the Healers have already exhausted their Swiftcast, we'd know at a glance that we should be the ones raising from that point on until their highlighted status is removed after 60 seconds.

Just a thought that came to mind when discussing it in our FC.

Ottermandias commented 2 years ago

Might be useful, but is not really feasible to do with any of the currently used systems, so would require its own thing. Also would have to think about how to deal with status-afflicted healers with swiftcast on cooldown. (which is a conflict that just can't happen between death and status afflictions :D )

So, I won't be doing this at the moment, but I'll keep it open/in mind. If anyone wants to do a PR for it that would also be fine!