OttoAllmendinger / gnome-shell-screenshot

Gnome Shell extension for making and uploading screenshots
MIT License
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Error after upgrading from PopOS 21.10 to 22.04 LTS (Failed to execute child process) #187

Closed JonasunderscoreJones closed 2 years ago

JonasunderscoreJones commented 2 years ago

As of today, PopOS 22.04 LTS is available and I took that opportunity to upgrade. After the upgrade, all my Gnome Extensions were gone and upon reinstalling the Screenshot extension and testing it, it errors out. All my config from the old installation was reapplied, even the Shortcut I had set (SUPER + SHIFT + S). The error message is the following:

ERROR: backend gnome-screenshot GLib.SpawnError: Failed to execute child process "gnome-screenshot" (No such file or directory)

In what way can this be fixed?

OttoAllmendinger commented 2 years ago

please try installing the "gnome-screenshot" tool:

OttoAllmendinger commented 2 years ago

Ok it appears that link in the README is dead. This is the tool:

JonasunderscoreJones commented 2 years ago

I have installed it from the official gnome extensions website ( but I couldn't figure out how to install it from the gitlab link. Are those two versions any different? And if yes, how do I install it from gitlab?

yash3492 commented 2 years ago

You should be installing it via apt-get install gnome-screenshot.

It worked for me after installing GNOME Screenshot.


JonasunderscoreJones commented 2 years ago

Thank You very much! I wasn't aware that it could be installed via the package manager. It works perfectly now :)