OttoDIY / OttoNinja

Build your own robot like a Ninja 🐱‍👤 This is the first emotional modular EdTech robot that can walk and roll!
MIT License
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_O defined as unsigned int in Oscillator.h #15

Closed sushicodeur closed 6 years ago

sushicodeur commented 6 years ago


I'm trying to make Otto work on my Esp8266.

It works quite well so far except for some very strange behaviors on oscillateServos function. For example if I run Otto.updown(6, 500, BIG); the right foot is totally up.

After some investigation it looks like for this function O is int O[4] = {0, 0, h, -h}; so if you call updown with BIG you end up with these values {0,0, 30, -30}.

So far so good (well on arduino at last).

But on my ESP as _O is declared unsigned it takes 4,294,967,295 as a value... too much for my servo :)

So my question is : is it normal that _O is declared unsigned or is it a bug in Oscillator.h ?

cparrapa commented 6 years ago

Hello Awesome finally someone will make it! hmmmm that value is to high maybe is a bug that wasn't noticeable in Arduino

Thanks! Welcome to the Otto builder community!

sushicodeur commented 6 years ago

I can confirm that changing the way _O is declared fixed the problem on my Esp Otto silly walk...

I now move on with the rest of the sketches and some more fun :)

I forked the repo here :

cparrapa commented 6 years ago

Great thanks! feel free to pull a request with a new folder or something i will just approve

sushicodeur commented 6 years ago

I wait for my arduino nano to ship with ultrasonic sensor and shield, so I can test that my changes don't break on arduino.

cparrapa commented 6 years ago

sure thanks for contributing! ;D

cparrapa commented 6 years ago

Hey how is it going so is possible ESP with Otto?