OttoDIY / OttoNinja

Build your own robot like a Ninja 🐱‍👤 This is the first emotional modular EdTech robot that can walk and roll!
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Active or passive buzzer? #4

Closed cmcoffman closed 7 years ago

cmcoffman commented 7 years ago

All the documentation I can find says I need a "5V buzzer" but it's not clear if this is supposed to be an active or passive buzzer. Links to ebay and amazon will have both, and they look similar.

The pictures look more like an active buzzer (which only is capable of producing one tone (I thinnk?), but I would think you would need a passive one.

I am unsure, any clarification?

cparrapa commented 7 years ago

Hi is DC voltage so is an active buzzer.

cmcoffman commented 7 years ago
