Ottodix / Eole-foobar-theme

Eole blows gently into your ear his nicest melodies.
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"Displayed Playlist" Setting Resets #17

Closed Alanon202 closed 5 years ago

Alanon202 commented 5 years ago

First off, let me say that I've used Eole for years, and delayed updating the plugins forever just so that I could use the theme. Finally made the switch to a different theme a while back, but i was always nostalgic. I'm delighted that Eole now lives again! Great job, man!

I've noticed that some behaviours persist from old Eole that I've always hated. I'm not sure if this is a bug or some limitation, but it's always been annoying. The WSH Smooth Playlist has a setting (the "Displayed Playlist" setting) that enables it to either always display the active playlist or cycle through currently selected playlists. Every time Foobar starts up, it resets to playing playlists mode.

This practically means that nothing shows up until something begins playing. Which, generally, isn't a big deal, except that the WSH playlist looks and works better than ELPlaylist, so I hid the main playlist from view. Unfortunately, this means that I can't use the WSH playlist to browse my playlists and play at the same time, unless I change that setting every time foobar starts, which is a pain.

Back when I was actively using Eole, I forcibly ELPlaylist from the layout completely, since it was practically useless next to WSH playlist. I've never understood why both were kept. Perhaps it might be time to retire it? Anyway, I'm just throwing that out there, I'd be happy with everything as-is, if only that setting worked properly. :)

Thanks for reading though my rant! I wish you a long and prosperous developing!

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your comment!

In order to lock this "displayed playlist" setting, you need to:

That's it. But in my opinion this is not very convenient, when you lock it to a specified playlist, you can't see the playing playlist anymore. That's why i didn't take care of this function. For me this playlist is cleary indended to display the playing playlist. I guess eventually it would be possible to add a "Display active playlist when nothing is played".

About ELPlaylist, it's there because drag and drop from a jscript panel used to be impossible. Now, drag and drop is possible, and it would be possible to remove ELPlyalist yes but it works fine, it looks fine, and in term of memory usage, this is still more efficient than WSHplaylist.

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

"Lock on playing playlist: display active instead when nothing is played"

Now you've got an option, in the same menu : ) But this all "displayed playlist" menu is clearly too complicate to understand for most users. I guess the only right way in term of UI would be to remove it completely, and choose the right options for the user. This is not a "the user is too dumb to understand" philosophy, but more a "this interface is too complicate to use" one. I guess the right options would be the default ones. Maybe later I'll remove the menu.

Alanon202 commented 5 years ago

WOW, that was quick! I never really expected this to happen so quickly, or at all! Thank you very much! I just tested it out an it seems to work perfectly!

I get the general argument about performance, and I understand why you'd want to keep ELPlaylist there. It's not that it's a relic of the stone age, it's fairly powerful in its own way, I just always thought it stood out from the rest of the theme. It's really about the details, the artwork background options, interactive star rating, smooth scrolling, etc. I suppose I never really saw a performance difference on my machine because I only use folder-based autoplaylists, so it always takes them a few seconds to load up. If I were using a different arrangement, I might see a speed improvement. It's interesting what you say about locking, I always used the function of clicking on the album fanart in the bottom left corner to switch back to the playing playlist. The "Lock on playing playlist" option is an excellent feature! I think you basically made the two playlists equivalent with these new changes, there isn't anything that the new one can't do now, but the options are still there for those that wish to browse through the old playlist and always have a now playing reference in the new one. That's just perfect, if you ask me!

Regarding the menu itself, I agree that it's a bit complicated. It took me a minute to figure out what you meant about the new settings being in the same menu. The old settings are at the top, then you have the playlists, and the new options are at the bottom. Since I have around 200 playlists, I had to scroll for a while to reach the bottom and reveal the new options. If you have many playlists, that menu blows up vertically and fills the screen, and it isn't clear that there are any menu entries at the bottom. Without your tip about it being in the same menu, it might have taken me a longer time to figure it out. It might be a good idea to simplify that menu at some point, just for the sake of accessibility, but at this point that's quibbling. Those of us who have need of such settings already know about the menu and what it does, and my use-case and preferences seem to be pretty niche anyway, so I doubt too many folks will even need to inform themselves.

Anyway, you can close the "issue", and thank you once again for adding this feature, it really makes a difference for me!

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

You write too much :) Actually I moved those 2 options at the top of this menu, so now they are above the playlists list. (you can update the whole theme, or simply the WSHsmoothplaylist.js file)

I close it now and go drink a little coffee :) thanks

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

Hi, If you want to test a version with a jscript playlist instead of ELplaylist, here it is

For the moment it's just a test, it may contains bugs (but i didn't found any so far) You'll have to import again the columnui_eole.fcl file though.

Alanon202 commented 5 years ago

I'm testing t now, and I'm loving it! I especially like the new metadata options that you added. While I was testing things out, some things came to mind, I hope you don't mind my comments & feature requests.

It would be useful to have a feature to enlarge the group header independently of the row height of the tracks, if it's possible? It would be cool to be able to enlarge the main thumbnail.

One other thing I've realised is that I don't know what sorting options are relevant for jscript playlists? I don't really use sorting functions that much, but I remember ELPlaylist had its own grouping options, but some folks down the road might get confused.

This last one has nothing to do with the new updates, but would it be possible to add an option for a dedicated stop button? When you're switching between audio devices, sometimes you have to stop playback completely in order for a device to be released. a nice button would be good to have.

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

I'm testing t now, and I'm loving it! I especially like the new metadata options that you added. While I was testing things out, some things came to mind, I hope you don't mind my comments & feature requests.

Cool that you like it :)

It would be useful to have a feature to enlarge the group header independently of the row height of the tracks, if it's possible? It would be cool to be able to enlarge the main thumbnail.

Quite hard to do, the group headers are set to 2 lines height, they don't have their specific line height. I'll pass on this one.

One other thing I've realised is that I don't know what sorting options are relevant for jscript playlists? I don't really use sorting functions that much, but I remember ELPlaylist had its own grouping options, but some folks down the road might get confused.

There is still some sort order functions, but you can't change the default one, the default one is always the playlist order, and i think it's fine that way. I'll probably add some sort orders though (date and track length)

This last one has nothing to do with the new updates, but would it be possible to add an option for a dedicated stop button? When you're switching between audio devices, sometimes you have to stop playback completely in order for a device to be released. a nice button would be good to have.

You can right clic and select stop. Yes, a real stop button would better when you use it often. I'll probably add one at some point.

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

Stop button, here you go ! Update using the nightly build if you wish, the button is optional, and deactivated by default (because for most people the stop menu items are enough i think, available through the 3-dots/settings button or from a right-clic).

Alanon202 commented 5 years ago

Man, you're quick! :) It's working great!

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

Hi, it looks like you're not against new functions. So you can try a new track infos panel, actually it may satisfy the function you wanted there: "It would be useful to have a feature to enlarge the group header independently of the row height of the tracks". I didn't code it in this goal, but it does that function when you activate it (it takes quite a lot of vertical space in the right column though)

You need to download the nighty build, and import columnsUI_eole_sidebar.fcl.

It may be buggy though! And it may make your foobar a little bit slower, so on a slow computer, i wouldn't recommend it. On mine it's fine, but mine is quite powerful.

Alanon202 commented 5 years ago

I followed your instructions and tested out the new version, here's what I've noticed.

The options to activate the new panel switch seem to be buggy. There are two options in the button menu labelled "Idle screen". One seems to activate the idle screen button, the other doesn't seem to do anything. After a while the track info switch seems to disappear, I think I was able to make it show up again by pressing random combinations of the two duplicate buttons.

I also noticed that at some point I had great sorting menu controls in the jsplaylist, but they disappeared and I wasn't able to get them to reappear?

From a brief test, something about the new panel focus options seems to have broken the main template. Trying to focus on now playing track withing elplaylst no longer seems to work. Also, there doesn't seem to be a way to access the new track info panel in the main template interface?

That's all I could see on the first go, let me know if there are any more tests or information you need.

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

Hi, Did you make sure that you imported the right fcl file? columnsUI_eole_sidebar.fcl You errors are weird to me, on my side i've been able to see and fix only the issue with the button menu on the title bar (you need to update all the eole/js files to fix this). The sorting options are supposed to be there, you're not supposed to see ELplaylist anywhere. I think you're using the wrong layout. Foobar > View > Layout > jsplaylist_template. I didn't update the other layouts, there are just there so you can switch back to an older version of the theme, but i'll remove them later.

Alanon202 commented 5 years ago

Just to be clear, what I said about Elplaylist was only for "main_template". I thought you were still developing that, so I switched the layout manually to try it out.

I just imported the very latest build. I made sure to delete the eole folder completely, and replace it with the fresh one, just in case. On the first start-up, the sort and info track switch reappeared, but disappeared soon after.

When I changed "Capitalize panel buttons text" the track info switch disappeared. Sometimes, clicking on "Right sidebar function" can make the switch reappear, but toggling any different setting, like "Always show the search box" removes the new switch again. I couldn't see a pattern as to when the sort menu went away.

As I said, all this is on full overwrite of the theme, I deleted the eole folder and I even manually deleted Columns UI config settings later on, to reset any leftover elements and then re-imported the file with the same results. This time I did not switch layouts, it was all on the jsplaylist template.

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

I'll try later (by later i mean: I don't know when : ) on a fresh install, but so far i just wonder what's going on on your installation

Alanon202 commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure what's going on either. At first I thought this has something to do with an intermittent settings conflict, so I switched to a different skin and deleted everything from eole except the thumbnails, but it didn't help. Save for a complete and total reset of my entire foobar setup, I've pretty much covered all my bases.

But, after pasting the beta from last week and reloading its config, everything was back to normal from the start, no problem. I'll stick with that version for the time being, feel free to let me know when you make any updates or if would like me to test something out.

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

Maybe you can try deleting manually the eole-settings folder in foobar2000/wsh-data. You'll loose your manual settings related to the skin, but everything there should be quick to configure again.

EDIT: But actually I don't understand what's going on, i'll try to look at it later

Alanon202 commented 5 years ago

That's what I did at some point - I deleted the eole folder, the settings from the wsh-data folder, and I even deleted the Columns UI cfg file and a few others, just in case. In theory, this should have given me an almost completely clean start. I then pasted the new eole folder, opened foobar into the default Columns UI interface, and imported the new layout. The results were exactly the same.

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

Ok, i finally understood what was going on with this button disappearance and fix a bug related to that.

Note though that this new panel visibility can be toggle independently for each main panel, i prefer it like that because then it gives a better control of the interface, but maybe it's confusing.

I also change the icon of this button so it stays always the same.

And i removed the special .fcl file, now there is only columnsUI_eole.fcl. I won't maintain 2 versions of the theme anyway, that's not a professional hobby : )

EDIT: But I still need to code some things related to this new panel, like for ex rating behavior when the focus is on an entire album and not just on one track. So it's still kind of very beta

Alanon202 commented 5 years ago

I can see that you're still adding in new stuff, just wanted to let you know that the new additions are working great, and that all the bugs I noticed are fixed!

Ottodix commented 5 years ago

Cool, thanks for the message ! I just draft a new release. And now I will probably move away from the computer for some days (holidays : ). Don't hesitate to report the bugs you find!