Ouranosinc / PAVICS-frontend

PAVICS Frontend Platform
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Labels on the map should offer descriptions instead of polygon id #106

Open tomLandry opened 6 years ago

tomLandry commented 6 years ago

As of now, we clicking on a region for all layer types, we see a uniqueId as a string appear. This is never useful for a user when you are looking for a named thing (a region, a state, a municipality). If I'm clicking on Quebec, I want to see Quebec.

Zvax commented 6 years ago

@huard and @tlogan2000, do you agree? is there really never a single time where you'd rather see the id, for instance if you're processing data from the cli or?

tomLandry commented 6 years ago

Well ok, I'll give you that @Zvax, this is my very own feedback as a user. Technically, if I could set what field is displayed for a layer, I'd use this.

Zeitsperre commented 6 years ago

I personally would like to see labels look more like MRC Regions:Abitibi-Témiscamingue. For labels alone, I would agree that having a particular field (en_name, fr_name, etc.) attached to the label would be better than FIDs. The only concern I can see would relate to the accents bug (see: https://github.com/Ouranosinc/pavics-sdi/issues/46). So long as the label is tied to a field, while the WPS request refers to the FID, everyone wins.

Is it possible that this can be set within GeoServer?

tomLandry commented 6 years ago

In user space would be nice. A setting for a project, or for me as user. A preference if you will.

tlogan2000 commented 6 years ago

Label 'names' being displayed is definitely more intuitive and easier for users. Especially with anything finer scale than say provinces. For example within province Quebec admin regions or MRCs I don't think many people would necessarily recognize the shape of any particular region (other than maybe Montreal) they only know more or less where it is (e.g. southwest corner of the province) therefore having the name appear after selecting would make more sense.