Ouranosinc / PAVICS-frontend

PAVICS Frontend Platform
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Region selection doesn't work when coordinates wrap around #116

Open ldperron opened 6 years ago

ldperron commented 6 years ago

For example, using NE_State_and_Province_Boundaries, scroll to the west to select any Russia regions, it will fail. It will work if you scroll to the east instead.

Zeitsperre commented 6 years ago

No, it also fails if you scroll too far east, past Russia. It seems you can only select what is within the -180/+180 degrees of the origin longitude displayed on a fresh page. Weird behaviour!

Renaud009 commented 6 years ago

La requête wfs de geoserver ne retourne rien https://outarde.crim.ca/geoserver/wfs?service=WFS&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typename=opengeo:NE_State_and_Province_Boundaries&outputFormat=application/json&srsname=EPSG:3857&bbox=-23832134.085096516,-2647272.3143516704,-23832134.085096516,-2647272.3143516704,EPSG:3857