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Output diff in DACCS CI tests #92

Closed fmigneault closed 4 months ago

fmigneault commented 4 months ago

As seen in https://github.com/bird-house/birdhouse-deploy/pull/460#issuecomment-2149072290 (http://daccs-jenkins.crim.ca/job/PAVICS-e2e-workflow-tests/job/master/1625/console)

03:25:30  =================================== FAILURES ===================================
03:25:30  _ PAVICS-landing-master/content/notebooks/climate_indicators/PAVICStutorial_ClimateDataAnalysis-5Visualization.ipynb::Cell 1 _
03:25:30  Notebook cell execution failed
03:25:30  Cell 1: Cell outputs differ
03:25:30  Input:
03:25:30  ##
03:25:30  bokeh.io.output_notebook()
03:25:30  from bokeh.resources import settings
03:25:30  settings.resources = "inline"
03:25:30  logging.getLogger().disabled = True
03:25:30  warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
03:25:30  pn.extension()
03:25:30  output = "/notebook_dir/writable-workspace/tmp/tutorial3/output"
03:25:30  infolder = Path(output)
03:25:30  ds_all = []
03:25:30  for scen in ["ssp245", "ssp370"]:
03:25:30      ds_vars = []
03:25:30      for v in ["tx_mean", "tx_days_above_27"]:
03:25:30          for f in ["seasonal", "annual"]:
03:25:30              # create a list of datasets for which the time dimension has been "unstacked"
03:25:30              ncfiles = [
03:25:30                  xs.utils.unstack_dates(xr.open_dataset(d, decode_timedelta=False))
03:25:30                  for d in infolder.glob(f"{v}*{f}*{scen}*.nc")
03:25:30              ]
03:25:30              # Create an ensemble dataset from the simulations for the given SSP
03:25:30              # Add a new scen dimension and corodinate
03:25:30              ds_vars.append(
03:25:30                  xens.create_ensemble(ncfiles, calendar="standard").expand_dims(
03:25:30                      scen=[scen]
03:25:30                  )
03:25:30              )
03:25:30      # Create a single dataset with both variables
03:25:30      ds_all.append(xr.merge(ds_vars))
03:25:30  # concatenate the 2 SSP datasets together along the new 'scen' dim
03:25:30  ds_ens = xr.concat(ds_all, dim="scen")
03:25:30  ds_ens = ds_ens.sel(time=slice("1981", "2100"))  # select years 1971-2100
03:25:30  # It is usually more intuitive to visualize temperature in Celsius
03:25:30  for v in ds_ens.data_vars:
03:25:30      if units.units2pint(ds_ens[v]) == "kelvin":
03:25:30          ds_ens[v] = units.convert_units_to(ds_ens[v], "degC")
03:25:30  # rearrange season order to something more logical
03:25:30  ds_ens = ds_ens.sel(season=["annual", "DJF", "MAM", "JJA", "SON"])
03:25:30  ds_ens
03:25:30  Traceback:
03:25:30  Missing output fields from running code: {'application/vnd.holoviews_exec.v0+json'}
03:25:30  _ PAVICS-landing-master/content/notebooks/climate_indicators/PAVICStutorial_ClimateDataAnalysis-6Regridding_Conversion.ipynb::Cell 1 _
03:25:30  Notebook cell execution failed
03:25:30  Cell 1: Cell outputs differ
03:25:30  Input:
03:25:30  #
03:25:30  bokeh.io.output_notebook()
03:25:30  from bokeh.resources import settings
03:25:30  settings.resources = "inline"
03:25:30  logging.getLogger().disabled = True
03:25:30  warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
03:25:30  pn.extension()
03:25:30  #
03:25:30  ncfile = Path(
03:25:30      "/notebook_dir/writable-workspace/tmp/tutorial5/output/Gaspesie_ESPO-G6-R2_30yAvg_ensemble_percentiles.nc"
03:25:30  )
03:25:30  ds30yAvg_ensfill = xr.open_dataset(ncfile, chunks={}, decode_timedelta=False)
03:25:30  ds30yAvg_ensfill = ds30yAvg_ensfill.assign_coords(
03:25:30      **xs.regrid.create_bounds_rotated_pole(ds30yAvg_ensfill)
03:25:30  )
03:25:30  # compare regridded to original
03:25:30  rotp = ccrs.RotatedPole(
03:25:30      pole_longitude=ds30yAvg_ensfill.rotated_pole.grid_north_pole_longitude,
03:25:30      pole_latitude=ds30yAvg_ensfill.rotated_pole.grid_north_pole_latitude,
03:25:30  )
03:25:30  ## create a mask using the extent of the data itself
03:25:30  dict_sel = dict(time="2071", scen="ssp245", season="annual", percentiles=50)
03:25:30  ds30yAvg_ensfill["mask"] = ~np.isnan(ds30yAvg_ensfill.tx_mean.sel(dict_sel).squeeze())
03:25:30  # create the output target grid
03:25:30  cell_res = 0.1
03:25:30  lon0, lon1 = (
03:25:30      ds30yAvg_ensfill.lon.min().values - cell_res,
03:25:30      ds30yAvg_ensfill.lon.max().values + cell_res,
03:25:30  )
03:25:30  lat0, lat1 = (
03:25:30      ds30yAvg_ensfill.lat.min().values - cell_res,
03:25:30      ds30yAvg_ensfill.lat.max().values + cell_res,
03:25:30  )
03:25:30  outgrid = xe.util.cf_grid_2d(lon0, lon1, cell_res, lat0, lat1, cell_res)
03:25:30  # Create xesmf regridder object
03:25:30  regridder = xe.Regridder(
03:25:30      ds30yAvg_ensfill, outgrid, "conservative_normed", unmapped_to_nan=True
03:25:30  )
03:25:30  # Apply regridding
03:25:30  ds30yAvg_ensregrid = regridder(ds30yAvg_ensfill)
03:25:30  # compare
03:25:30  pn.Row(
03:25:30      ds30yAvg_ensfill.sel(dict_sel).tx_days_above_27.hvplot.quadmesh(
03:25:30          title="Original : Rotated pole",
03:25:30          x="rlon",
03:25:30          y="rlat",
03:25:30          crs=rotp,
03:25:30          geo=True,
03:25:30          cmap="spectral_r",
03:25:30          tiles="EsriImagery",
03:25:30          alpha=0.95,
03:25:30      )
03:25:30      + ds30yAvg_ensregrid.sel(dict_sel).tx_days_above_27.hvplot.quadmesh(
03:25:30          title="Regridded : Regular lon/lat",
03:25:30          x="lon",
03:25:30          y="lat",
03:25:30          geo=True,
03:25:30          xlim=[-68, -63.5],
03:25:30          cmap="spectral_r",
03:25:30          tiles="EsriImagery",
03:25:30          alpha=0.95,
03:25:30      )
03:25:30  )
03:25:30  Traceback:
03:25:30   mismatch 'application/vnd.bokehjs_load.v0+json'
03:25:30   assert reference_output == test_output failed:
03:25:30    "'use strict'...\n}(window));" == "'use strict'...\n}(window));"
03:25:30    Skipping 1109 identical leading characters in diff, use -v to show
03:25:30    Skipping 403 identical trailing characters in diff, use -v to show
03:25:30    - mentById("cbef2947-b8dc-4f3e-9d19-02d8f11ea9e4");
03:25:30    + mentById("a267c85f-8295-4657-a1f1-6e42ef791601");
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03:25:30                } else {
03:25:30                  return "BokehJS failed to load.";
03:25:30                }
03:25:30              } else {
03:25:30                const prefix = `BokehJS ${root.Bokeh.version}`;
03:25:30                if (error == null) {
03:25:30                  return `${prefix} successfully loaded.`;
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03:25:30                  return `${prefix} <b>encountered errors</b> while loading and may not function as expected.`;
03:25:30                }
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03:25:30              el.append(wrapper);
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