Ouranosinc / xscen

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Missing simulations in IPCC_annual_global_tas.csv #268

Closed aulemahal closed 9 months ago

aulemahal commented 12 months ago

Generic Issue


Some members of ESPO-G6-R2 are missing from the global tas timeseries dataset.


I'm not familiar with the official source for this data, but I can do the addition if someone points me to it!

juliettelavoie commented 12 months ago

Ça vient d'ici: https://github.com/IPCC-WG1/Atlas/tree/main/datasets-aggregated-regionally/data/CMIP6/CMIP6_tas_landsea (la colonne world) en plus de calculs maison de @mccrayc . Il faudra peut-être faire le calcul nous-même pour les manquants..

juliettelavoie commented 12 months ago

Quand j'ai commencé à regarder les niveaux de réchauffement, j'avais mis plusieurs ressource ici: https://github.com/Ouranosinc/xclim/issues/1014

Il y avait d'autres sources qui donnaient des niveaux de réchauffement, mais je ne suis pas certaine qu'ils utilisaient la même méthode que le giec.

aulemahal commented 12 months ago
import xscen as xs
import pandas as pd

scats = xs.search_data_catalogs('/tank/scenario/catalogues/simulation.json', {'tas': 'MS'}, other_search_criteria={'source': 'TaiESM1', 'experiment':'ssp585', 'processing_level':'raw'}, match_hist_and_fut=True)
ds = xs.extract_dataset(scats['CMIP6_ScenarioMIP_AS-RCEC_TaiESM1_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_global'])['MS']

dsm = xs.spatial_mean(

tas_glob = xc.units.convert_units_to(dsm.tas, '°C')
tas_glob = tas_glob.rename(time='year').assign_coords(year=dsm.time.dt.year.values)

tas_ref = pd.read_csv('data/IPCC_annual_global_tas.csv').set_index('year')['CMIP6_TaiESM1_ssp585_r1i1p1f1']

abs(tas_glob - tas_ref).mean()

donne 0.0015 °C. J'ai une erreur assez uniforme de 0.0013-0.0018. L'erreur augmente à 0.82 ± 0.07 si j'utilise xESMF pour la moyenne.

Avec les données quotidiennes (tasmin et tasmax), j'ai plutôt une erreur 0.04 ± 0.03... (cos-lat)

Est-ce que quelqu'un à une idée ?

Sinon, ça me semble quand même raisonnable pour des warmings levels.

juliettelavoie commented 12 months ago

Pour reproduire exactement, il faut regriller je pense. Chris m'avait envoyé ça avec "J’ai pu reproduire exactement les mêmes valeurs en utilisant tas (les fichiers tasAmon*.nc dans nos répertoires CMIP5" :

Calculate yearly global mean temperatures for the other CanESM2 members as done for the IPCC  
#for ens_memb in ['r2i1p1','r3i1p1','r4i1p1','r5i1p1']:
for ens_memb in ['r1i1p1']:
    with xr.open_dataset('REDACTED/CMIP5/CCCMA/CanESM2/historical/mon/atmos/'+ens_memb+'/tas/tas_Amon_CanESM2_historical_'+ens_memb+'_185001-200512.nc') as ds_gcm_past:
        with xr.open_dataset('/REDACTED/CMIP5/CCCMA/CanESM2/rcp85/mon/atmos/'+ens_memb+'/tas/tas_Amon_CanESM2_rcp85_'+ens_memb+'_200601-210012.nc') as ds_gcm_fut:
            ds_gcm = xr.concat([ds_gcm_past, ds_gcm_fut], dim='time')
            ds_gcm = ds_gcm.groupby('time.year').mean()
            lon_bnds = np.append(ds_gcm.lon_bnds.sel(bnds=0)[0].values, ds_gcm.lon_bnds.sel(bnds=1)[1].values[-1])
            lat_bnds = np.append(ds_gcm.lat_bnds.sel(bnds=0)[0].values, ds_gcm.lat_bnds.sel(bnds=1)[1].values[-1])
            grid_gcm = {'lon': ds_gcm['lon'].values,
                       'lat': ds_gcm['lat'].values,
                       'lon_b': lon_bnds,
                       'lat_b': lat_bnds, # fix half-polar cells
            #Create output grid 2x2°
            grid_out = xe.util.grid_global(2, 2)
            regridder = xe.Regridder(grid_gcm, grid_out, 'conservative')
            weights = np.cos(np.deg2rad(grid_out.lat))
            weights.name = "weights"
            #Regrid the tas field
            ds_gcm_regridded = regridder(ds_gcm['tas'])
            #Apply weights to the grid        
            yearly_mean_ts = ds_gcm_regridded.weighted(weights).mean(("x",'y'))
            #Output csv
            #pre_industrial = ds_canesm2.sel(time=slice('1850-01-01','1900-12-31')).mean()['tas'].weighted(weights)
            #yearly_mean_ts = ds_canesm2.groupby('time.year').mean().mean(['lat','lon'])#-pre_industrial
aulemahal commented 12 months ago

Oh je vais essayer ça merci!

aulemahal commented 12 months ago

En faisant le regridding vers 2°, l'erreur augmente à 0.02 °C.

Je vais donc faire l'hypothèse que mon 0.0015 °C provient du pré-traitement des données qu'on a sur disque. Genre passages entre float32 et float64, compression et décompression, etc. Ça reste une erreur maximale de 0.014%, on va vivre avec! Je calculerai les séries manquantes sans faire le changement de grille vers 2°.

juliettelavoie commented 12 months ago

Ça me va

aulemahal commented 12 months ago

Funny enough, I tried to use the new resample, with weights for the annual mean from monthly data, and it was a worst error again. :man_shrugging:

mccrayc commented 11 months ago

I just went back and tested my code and am getting similar differences as you @aulemahal, when I said 'exact' I'm guessing what I meant with 'exact enough' ;)

In the IPCC Atlas files, the header specifies that CMIP5 data is regridded to 2deg but that CMIP6 is regridded to 1deg, which may explain why you get worse results when regridding CMIP6 to 2deg. It also specifies that it uses the CDO conservative remapping algorithm (remapcon), which I assume is the equivalent to 'conservative' with xESMF but may be another source of slight differences.

Otherwise, I agree that this level of error is acceptable!