OutSystems / cordova-plugin-stetho-android

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Cannot remove the plugin properly #1

Open sbatezat opened 7 years ago

sbatezat commented 7 years ago


From what I can see, we currently can't remove this plugin properly, i.e using "cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-stetho-android".

I don't know exactly how Cordova plugins names have to be defined, but I think it's because the ID provided on the plugin.xml and/or package.json files are not "cordova-plugin-stetho-android" (it's "com.outsystems.mobile.stetho"). Because of that, we are compelled to use "cordova plugin rm com.outsystems.mobile.stetho".

I've got issue with my custom Cordova hooks because of that (add and remove are not working with the same name).

Could you please fix that issue?

Cheers, Sébastien

Chuckytuh commented 7 years ago

@sbatezat have you installed the plugin using cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-stetho-android or directly from the git repo?

sbatezat commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the quick answer. I'm using "cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-stetho-android" and I'm expecting to be able to use "cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-stetho-android"

EDIT: to be fair, I'm using "cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-stetho-android@0.0.1" and I'm trying to remove the plugin using "cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-stetho-android". Not sure if it matters.