Outblock / FRW-iOS

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hey, i ordered nfts from mattel creations but somehow they got sent to #0x849460bb0714d667... #367

Open instabug[bot] opened 4 days ago

instabug[bot] commented 4 days ago

:clipboard: Bug Details

hey, i ordered nfts from mattel creations but somehow they got sent to #0x849460bb0714d667 instead of my adress

key value
Reported At 2024-09-24 11:26:33 UTC
Email colinwalter1111@gmail.com
Categories Ask a question
Tags 0x849460bb0714d667
App Version 2.1.11 (5)
Session Duration 322
Device iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 17.6.1
Display 390x844 (@3x)
Location Stuttgart, Germany (de-DE)

:point_right: View Full Bug Report on Instabug :point_left:

:chart_with_downwards_trend: Session Profiler

Here is what the app was doing right before the bug was reported:

Key Value
CPU Load 15.9%
Used Memory 10.0% - 0.3/3.0 GB
Used Storage 63.4% - 302.18/476.72 GB
Connectivity NA - NA
Battery 55% - unplugged
Orientation portrait

Find all the changes that happened in the parameters mentioned above during the last 60 seconds before the bug was reported here: :point_right: View Full Session Profiler :point_left:

:mag_right: Logs

Network Log

This bug report has 6 failed (4xx, 5xx or no response) requests. Here are some of them:

11:23:43 0 POST https://rest-mainnet.onflow.org/v1/scripts?block_height=sealed
11:23:43 0 GET https://rest-mainnet.onflow.org/v1/accounts/959f90620b754a30?expand=contracts,keys&block_height=sealed
11:23:43 0 POST https://region1.app-measurement.com/a

Find all the network requests with more details about each one, its duration, method, URL, headers, and response here: :point_right: View Detailed Network Logs :point_left:

:camera: Images

image attachment image attachment image attachment

:warning: Looking for More Details?

  1. User Steps: enable them to get the most out of your plan and see every action users take before reporting a bug.
  2. User Events: start capturing custom User Events to send them along with each report. Find all the details in the docs.
  3. Instabug Log: start adding Instabug logs to see them right inside each report you receive. Find all the details in the docs.
  4. Console Log: when enabled you will see them right inside each report you receive. Find all the details in the docs.